Doper Zooper released!

banerThe other day there was a buzz about the latest DOPE app and now it has finally gone live. Featuring over 50 widgets and expanding with each update. Each widget is made to completely dope your screen with those 9 handcrafted weather icons! All this just for 0.99$!

Go ahead and dope your phone here!

Please help us to spread the word and if you like it then follow us for more updates!

Doper Zooper!

Doper Zooper

An another DOPE customization app from theme dopers! It contains a set of 30 Zoopers widgets and expanding day by day all made with complete detail to doper your phone till it’s death. Currently, in beta testing phase and will be released on play store!

Follow us for more DOPE news! Reshare for fun!

Camouflage UI

Blends-in and Blends-out without hiding your wallpaper. Fits anywhere on anyscreen! Go grab it here and send me a request of all those uthemed icons to see them themed in the next coming update!

Hello Word!

This is my very first post. I am here to dope your phone till its death and here you will find a number of drugs to dope your phone. Please follow and recommend us to other to be updated.

Happy blogging!